From the various Districts of Johannesburg and Pretoria, District Models was born. Professional.Reliable.Flexible. It's what you want. It's what we offer.
Encompassing over 10 years experience in the fields of Production, Casting, Acting & Modeling, District has the skill set needed.
Capturing and showcasing the great variety we have in the land, District caters for clients in all spheres of the advertising industry. With an eye for detail, professionalism and raw tenacity we provide to you our District Models & Talent.
Our URBAN board represents some of Gauteng's most eclectic and trendy, while still maintaining the same focus and professionalism as the MAINBOARD models.
Give us a call to discuss more, or if you believe you have the drive, enthusiasm and personality for District and would like to become one of us, please fill out your details on the Become one page.